Auxílio Brasil G1 – See how to receive the new amount R$600


Already familiar with the Program Aid Brazil G1? This is an initiative that integrates several benefits such as income, employment, health, education and social assistance. O Brazil Aid G1 aims to help families, whether in poverty or extreme poverty, throughout the national territory.

The Auxílio Brasil Program aims to guarantee a basic income for families in this situation, always trying to simplify the benefits basket and seeking to help families in a deeper way so that they can overcome the situation and gain autonomy and end the situation of poverty or extreme poverty. .


The Ministry of Citizenship is the one who coordinates the Auxílio Brasil Program, all management of benefits and resources is given by the ministry, see who is entitled, how to receive it and the amounts of Auxílio Brasil.

What are the objectives of Auxílio Brasil?

The Auxílio Brasil program aims to guarantee income and provide support for families in a state of poverty or extreme poverty with the benefits offered by SUAS, which stands for Unified Social Assistance System.

It also aims to develop children and adolescents through income for pregnant women, people who are nursing mothers and helping very poor families to achieve financial and social independence and autonomy.

Another objective is to develop early childhood children, helping to develop linguistic, cognitive, physical and also socio-affective skills, increasing the availability of care for children in daycare centers and, in short, providing maximum support so that they grow in a healthy way and are able to reverse the situation of poverty, extreme poverty in which they find themselves.

And who is entitled to Brazil Aid?

Families in situations of extreme poverty fall under the Auxílio Brasil Program; families living in poverty and families facing emancipation.

All families with a monthly family income of up to R$105.00 (extreme poverty) or up to R$210 (poverty) qualify for the program and can receive Auxílio Brasil, the idea of which is to help and support them to gain autonomy.

How do I receive Brazil Aid?

According to the government website, the means of receiving Auxílio Brasil are via Digital Social Savings, through a Demand Deposit Current Account, through a Special Demand Deposit Account also with the Conta Contábil (social platform of the Auxílio Brasil Program ). 

Remembering that the beneficiary can only receive payments into the accounting account if they do not have any of the other options or if there is a technical problem with any of them, it is possible to open a digital social savings account so that benefit payments can be made automatically.

This is all carried out in the name of the Beneficiary registered in the Single Registry, being able to receive the amounts with the Bolsa Família card.

What Benefits Come from Auxílio Brasil?

The values of the First Childhood Benefit (BPI) are as follows: being paid per child, the value is R$ 130.00, for families with members up to 36 (thirty-six) months old.

In the case of the Family Composition Benefit (BCF): the amount paid per person is R$ 65.00, for families that have: a) pregnant women; b) nursing mothers and/or c) people between 3 and 21 years of age.

The Extreme Poverty Overcoming Benefit (BSP) normally pays R$ 105.00 per month per person, with the minimum amount paid to each member being R$ 25.00. 

Final considerations

The Bolsa Família program has been replaced by the Auxílio Brasil Program since November 2021, if you believe that Auxílio Brasil can help you, we recommend immediately contacting the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or, if it is more convenient, the CRAS service point. CadÚnico of your city. 


For more information online, visit the federal government website. There is a wealth of information to keep you up to date with everything that happens in the Auxílio Brasil Program.

Good luck!


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