Reliable International Shopping Sites – International Shopping Sites


If you want to shop online and would like to know some tips Trustworthy International Shopping Sites To buy, you are in the right place. In this article we will list the best Chinese sites for shopping while in Brazil.

With the advancement of technology and the ease of making global transactions, many Chinese websites were created, connecting global manufacturers and individuals, enabling purchases and facilitating access to great products at low prices in Trustworthy International Shopping Sites.


Whether for consumption or to create a business, having large-scale production in China can be an excellent option as you can save a lot on machines, labor and raw materials if producing a product.


AliExpress – Trusted International Shopping Sites

Aliexpress is a international shopping website extremely consolidated and reliable, It is one of the most famous websites in China, it connects producers, manufacturers and buyers from all over the world, in some cases the manufacturers pass the products on to people who post the products on Aliexpress and make the connection with end consumers.

If you go to the AliExpress website you will see the countless products that exist there. It is essential to research products well and select based on customer ratings. The more stars and positive reviews the product has, the greater the chances of it being a good purchase.


First check if the product has a lot of sales, then look at the store's rating, then look at customer ratings, photos and videos of reviews, then check the price among competitors. There are many sellers of the same products on AliExpress, which is good for buyers as there is a price war and competition between sellers, lowering prices a lot.

Shopee – Trusted International Shopping Sites

Shopee arrived making noise in Brazil and became a online import store loved by Brazilians, offering show offers, free shipping, cashback, benefit coins for those who made purchases, this meant that the brand grew a lot and many Brazilians were able to buy whatever they wanted from the Chinese giant.

Shopee has become a marketplace where Brazilians can also make sales, that is, if you have a product or service you can register on Shopee and sell it too. The products you buy on Shopee can mostly come from Brazil or China, you can choose, as it usually takes a long time when they come from China.

Shopee is one of the best sites for shopping on the internet today since the prices are very good, the customer service is also great and the quality is the same as on all other sites, in other words, the consumer must select well purchases based on ratings and reviews.


Alibaba – Trusted International Shopping Sites

Alibaba is a website for those who want to make large purchases, resell in Brazil, it is mostly frequented by large Chinese manufacturers who make large-scale sales to resellers and/or distributors around the world.

If you want to buy very cheaply for resale and in large quantities, here's a tip: buy on Alibaba. Start negotiating and an interesting tip is that on Alibaba it is common for you to get demo pieces for free, normally you only pay for shipping for the demo piece.

Remembering that Alibaba is more for wholesale sales, in large quantities, if you don't want to make large purchases, the suggestion is that you stick with AliExpress or Shopee, in addition to Shein, which I will talk about next.


Shein – Trusted International Shopping Sites

Shein is impressive, it is a phenomenal company, a Chinese giant that has several products, mainly women's fashion that has enviable logistics and processes, it has several suppliers that are manufacturers of major global brands.

More clearly, if you have patience and know how to look, you can find a lot of good things, from big brands on Shein, the same quality, proposed cut and everything, changing only the fact that it has a brand label.

Delivery is guaranteed, customer support is excellent, the only thing is that sometimes it takes a long time to arrive, however recently Shein added national suppliers to the group, making delivery fast in Brazil, seriously, Shein is a phenomenon and could swallow up several Brazilian companies and stores in the near future.


Final considerations

If you want to shop online, it's worth putting all these companies/sites on the list. We strongly recommend them because they are already consolidated, have been on the market for a long time and we at InovaBlog have already used them all.

An interesting tip is to research what you want to buy on all platforms, compare prices and deadlines and make the purchase the following week, this usually means that we make better purchases and are able to use our money in a more conscious and efficient way.

Happy Shopping and Good Luck!


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