Tips on time management and productivity


If you are looking to be more productive and manage your time better, we have lovingly prepared this article to help you in this mission of discoveries and new cycles. 

This is a very broad topic that has several philosophies and ways to be worked on, since everyone has a different life, different priorities and very different goals.


I separated this article into a few steps, the first of which is vision, the second of which is planning, the third of which I call monitoring and the fourth is routine.



When we open a GPS we have to define a location to arrive, right? Without it, the GPS is useless and if we don't have an arrival point, there's no reason to leave the house.

At this point, define what you want within a period that suits you, 1, 2, 3, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years. Or even shorter periods of weeks and months, write it down on paper and define where you want to get to, close your eyes every day and see yourself achieving these goals.

Once this is done, place your arrival point in a place that you can see every day and this way, every day you will know where you are going and naturally your life will be more oriented towards what you want, the destination you want to reach.



Once you know the vision, it’s time to do the planning. There are several ways to plan and work on planning, many software tools, complex theories and philosophies, however what I want to show you here is very simple.

The planning that works best according to experts is weekly planning, as it is not as blind as daily planning and not as big as monthly planning. On Sunday, see what you want to achieve in the defined period and then list what needs to be done that week. to bring you closer to the vision.

Did you make the list? Okay, now put everything organized in an agenda, paper or Google calendar, excellent for organization and is integrated with cell phone, email, computer, really good. Remember to ask yourself if your planning brings you closer to the target or further away, if it takes you away it's simple, it's wrong. Get closer, go ahead!



With the rush of everyday life, it is very challenging to know if you are on the path to your vision or if you have lost your way and need to recalculate your route. Several obstacles and unforeseen events happen in a single day, imagine in a week, in a month, in a year? Crazy, right!?

For this, it is interesting to have a map, a guide on the wall at home or in the office, made out of paper. In it you will list the activities you should do to get you closer to your goal.

For example: I put in my vision that I want to lose weight, so in my planning I put that I would eat healthy every day except Saturday, so on your map or checklist you should write: Eat Healthy and mark all the days of the week in which you honored this commitment, this way you will have an idea of how you are progressing in this planning task.



Something that helps a lot is routine. I used to think that routine was useless and that it held me back and limited my freedom, until I grew up and understood that for me, in fact, routine is freedom. Establishing some fixed tasks for the day helps a lot to get closer to your goals.

Example: Every day wake up, brush your teeth, make your bed, drink coffee, meditate, go to the gym, read a book, etc.

Establishing a routine in this way makes life much easier and improves the quality of life if it is well thought out, planned and honored, as it becomes a habit of good things that direct you towards the vision, towards the destination you desire.

There are many routines out there, however, I understand that each person is different and that each person must examine and get to know themselves to determine which routine benefits them most. Following a pre-established routine can help in the beginning, however, to achieve the best of ourselves, with the particularities we have, we must create our own routines and habits based on self-knowledge.


Good luck!


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