Discover the Digital Sign App – Download on your cell phone 


Do you want to have a Digital Sign using your cell phone, but don't know what/how to do? We have prepared an article with all the information you need to use this fantastic Application. Several people enjoy this technology for different purposes. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the Digital Sign App – Download on your cell phone

This Digital Marquee Application is trending on the internet lately. Taking this into consideration, our article will clarify doubts regarding the Digital Marquee Application through easy and objective instructions for you to download it to your cell phone.


It's important to be up to date with innovative information in the technology market, don't you agree? You will be able to enjoy the best of technology and use it in your daily tasks. Connect with us until the end and learn how to use Letreiro Digital on your cell phone.

Applications available for cell phones

First, we will talk about the Applications available for cell phones. Its purpose is to operate through computer programs that authorize users to perform numerous functions.

Nowadays you have access to several applications linked to technologies, with infinite objectives, the Digital Sign App is just one of the infinite possibilities offered today. Any and all cell phones (smartphones) are able to download the Application directly from the App Store. You just need to select which one will meet your expectations and then perform the Download.

Once you have finished reading the article, we will make available the most effective Applications today. Take advantage of the features and possibilities that this technology can provide you, be sure to find out what these Applications can offer you. 

know more about the Digital Marquee App for mobile

The world of Marketing gains prominence around the world, daily. Many companies advertise their services and products all the time. Previously, these same companies used newspapers, posters and radios, capturing a greater number of customers and reaching their target audience.

Currently advertisements are made in another format. LED panels, billboards, and in particular Social Media, are used for the purpose of presenting their products and clarifying the services provided. The Digital Signboard is yet another tool available today.

People who prefer to modernize advertising and entertainment are joining Digital Letreiro through their cell phones and taking advantage of this technology. The Application will offer you several possibilities and functions, including:

  • make your text (personalized);
  • choose the letter model as well as its font;
  • determine the speed at which the phrase will appear on the screen;
  • select background color and font color;
  • Your text can “blink”, attracting even more attention from your audience, among others.

Use the Digital Marquee

Imagine an electronics store window, where information will be transmitted on cell phones using the Digital Sign Application. There are many possibilities when using Digital Marquee through your cell phone. Carrying out advertisements is just one of the infinite functions. 

The Application allows you to customize phrases to attract attention to your service or product, being a true sales enhancer. Synchronizing phrases or words using the Digital Signboard can be the difference in arousing curiosity and interest, adding even more value to your product.

Another way to use and attract attention to a certain thing, for example: try displaying the Digital Sign on the facade of your store or even on a car, alerting you to a certain service. Night events often use Digital Signs, it is an effective way to attract attention by transmitting messages and alerts.


Make your cell phone a digital sign

I'm sure you're already thinking about different creative ways to use your Digital Sign, considering the information shared in this article. Is it an excellent tool for capturing customers or not? 

Let's imagine the following hypothesis: you are at some event, be it a show or even a lecture, and through the Digital Signboard on your cell phone you are able to transmit a message to your idol or speaker. Many cases have already resonated on the internet with similar situations. 

How about a dating request using Letreiro Digital? An innovative and creative idea to impress your love using the App, do you agree? A few clicks will be enough for you to take advantage of this technology.


Download the Letreiro Digital App on your cell phone

Now that you have several cool ideas, you must be wondering which application is capable of delivering all of this? Before we learn how to download, how about taking a look at other cool and technological App ideas that we have prepared for you in our Blog ? We're sure we'll help in some way!

First of all, go to the App store on your cell phone. Later, search for the name of the Application, which is Led Panel – Digital Sign, tap the “install” icon. Just wait until the Download is completed, then the Application icon will be available on your Cell Phone, ready for use.

From then on, when you open the App, write a word or phrase to test this incredible tool. Then, make your customizations and unleash your creativity by choosing the font size and font. After that, select the color you prefer and the speed at which it will be transmitted on your Digital Sign. 

I hope it's fun and bears fruit. Stay with us and follow the news.


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