Application to learn to play the keyboard on your cell phone – Learn piano app


If you want to learn to play the keyboard, you need a app learn to play keyboard. In this article, we have listed the best apps to learn from scratch on your cell phone, in case you are looking for the best app to learn piano, you will find it here too in a few seconds.

If you are here it is because at some point you have wanted to learn a musical instrument, especially keyboard or piano. With busy everyday life, people usually procrastinate this decision and leave aside the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of playing an instrument as beautiful as the keyboard or piano.


With the advancement of technology, many good things have been happening, including the possibility of learning to play an instrument on your cell phone, yes, it is possible to learn to play the keyboard or piano with one of the applications we will list below, check it out.

Tiny Piano – app to learn to play the piano

This app is incredible, Tiny Piano is an app for the iOS system that allows the user to have access to several songs to start and start practicing the first notes and developing skills for free.

The application has a very pleasant interface and has a special feature that is the gamification of the app, that is, as you progress, the level of complexity of the songs can evolve, depending on your performance.

This is one of the most downloaded apps in the world and no wonder, the app is very good and will help you, an app to learn to play a quality keyboard. Just search for the app in the iOS system application library and install it.

Piano Melody Free – Best app to learn piano

The application for learning to play Piano Melody Free is a great application for learning to play the piano and keyboard from scratch, its interface is extremely functional and also allows customization and personalization of the keys and many other things to make learning easier for those just starting out.

Another important feature is the possibility of making chords, that is, it allows simultaneous touches, meaning that the user can have an experience very close to the reality of playing a real keyboard or piano.

Furthermore, there are several songs available to choose and play, as the application has an interface and proposal very similar to a game, the learning process becomes very calm and enjoyable, in no time you will be playing your first songs on the keyboard or piano with the practice through the app.

Perfect Piano – App to learn keyboard for free

This application is aimed at Android devices, considered one of the best in the world for this operating system, suitable for everyone who wants to learn to play the keyboard or piano and wants to practice using an application right now on their cell phone.

A big difference with this application is that you can choose between several sound effects which you like most when learning and also what you like most when playing the music you are learning, in addition to having all 88 keys perfectly simulating a traditional physical keyboard.

To get the app, simply search for the name Perfect Piano in the Play Store on your cell phone, select the app, install it and start practicing right now.

Learn to play the keyboard on your cell phone: Magic Piano

Magic Piano is an explosive success among people who have cell phones with the iOS system, with a modern and extremely functional/intuitive interface that is very reminiscent of modern games, making learning simple and intuitive, it also allows interaction between users, stimulating healthy competition and making the learning process lighter and more fun.

This app has a huge range of songs, perfect for those who want to learn, have fun and compete with other people in the community and even friends, with the app fun is guaranteed.

Final considerations

We have listed the main applications of the moment, however, it is possible to find several apps in your cell phone's application libraries, just search for “piano” or “keyboard” and a list of several applications will unfold in seconds.

Select and install the apps we have listed and also some apps that have good grades and qualifications on the list, test them all and check which app best suits your taste and which offers the most learning resources.

We wish you Good Luck and Lots of Fun!


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