Free Productivity App – How It Works and How to Download


Looking for ways to increase productivity and production? We will bring you a Free Productivity Application to use your time in the best way possible, leveraging results and allowing you to manage your time and productivity in real time.

As time passes and technology advances, our daily lives are full of distractions and applications that were designed to literally suck up our time, social media was programmed to entertain and keep us increasingly engaged in consuming content.


With the data they have, they know exactly what we like and in this way we are presented with an infinite feed of only things that capture attention and consume time, not to mention the procrastination factor that every human being has, that being said, with these few examples of time-sucking activities, we have to find ways to get around this to be more productive and effective in everyday life.

Productivity Tips – Free Productivity App

An excellent productivity tip is to have a fixed time to sleep and a fixed time to get up.

Establishing a healthy routine when getting up is essential, there is no magic formula or a fixed method for this, however some experts recommend some steps to be followed in the morning, such as time management wendell oak.

Waking up early, not using your cell phone, having a book reading routine, meditation, exercise, quality coffee and even a bath at a natural temperature are items present in practically all morning rituals by experts on the subject.

An interesting tip on productivity is to remove notifications from your cell phone, set time blocks to do the activities you want, for example, define a specific time window to respond to messages, a time block to check media and thus avoid interruptions. during the working period.

Pomodoro Technique – Free Productivity App

This technique is brilliant and recommended by several experts in the subject of time management and productivity, it allows periods of focus with necessary and strategic rest so that the brain works in the best possible way for longer.

Basically the technique consists of setting a time of 25 minutes which means in case 1 Pomodoro;This makes you work on the task in question for 25 minutes, without stopping and without distractions.

After each Pomodoro, that is 25 minutes, you have to stop time and take a 5 minute break, walk, get some air, a coffee, whatever you prefer. And after completing 4 full Pomodoros, you should take a longer break, with an average time of 15 to 30 minutes.

Time management and work organization – Free Productivity App

With the pomodoro technique using the pomodoro app To manage time and organize your work, your days will become more organized and productive, since using the app and executing the technique requires prior planning of the activities and also how long each activity needs to be completed.

There is a technique known as Parkinson's law which in summary and very roughly means that each activity takes the time you define for it, that is, if you define 4 hours to make a report, this report will take 4 hours to be executed. , in fact 3 hours of procrastination and stalling and 1 hour of actual production. 

Now if you use 2 pomodoros, the chances of finishing the report in less than 60 minutes are high, this way you were much more productive in 1 hour than 4 hours, leaving 3 hours for other activities such as clearing a crowded email inbox or bring forward any other pending activity.

Final considerations

The Pomodoro application is one of the most used applications for time management and work organization, this technique has expanded in Brazil and gained space in Brazilian companies, the challenge that remains is to download the application as soon as possible and use it every days.

They say that we create a basic habit in 21 days of execution, so come on, start today and don't stop for 21 days, this way your productivity level will certainly improve a lot.

Good luck!


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