Discover the Senai young apprentice program


If you want a job in a large company, as well as acquiring a technical diploma at no cost, you need to find out more about Senai's young apprentice program.

A program that aims to support young people who aim for a future of excellence.
Have you ever thought about working in a specific company without interfering with your studies, at the same time as you take a good course guaranteeing extra income?


SENAI, what is it?

National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) is an entity that offers various courses with technical training, higher education and specializations throughout the country.

SENAI courses aim to qualify young people across Brazil, in addition to expanding skills and competencies to develop professionally, socially and as a person in general.

This institution partners with numerous companies and also acts as an agency that encourages people to undertake business in the cities where they operate.

What is professional training?

Professional training refers to training young people as well as adults aged between 14 and 24 for the job market, whether in the business sector or even in the public sector as an apprentice. These individuals will be hired by private institutions that promote support and personal growth . In general, they generate jobs in the most varied areas and economically qualify society.

Let's look at the courses that the program offers with different themes and objectives, such as:
* development in human skills;
* development in professional skills;
* development in transferable skills;
* development in technical skills;
* development in leadership skills;
* development in communication skills;
* development in managerial skills;
* among others.

Several courses are offered in the most varied areas, including:
* agribusiness;
* construction
* business;
* logistics distribution
* product development;
* electromechanical
* electronics;
* Electrotechnical;
* mechanics
* metallurgy
* mechatronics;
* Oil and Gas;
* chemical;
* workplace safety;
* transportation and logistics
* telecommunications;
* among others.

What are the requirements to become a SENAI young apprentice?

A recurring question for anyone interested in the subject is knowing what requirements are necessary to participate in professional qualifications. The young person must be a minimum age of 14 and a maximum of 24 years old, in addition, the young person must be attending primary or secondary education.

If the person has a disability, they can register through a special procedure in companies that are looking for this position, even as an internship, after high school.

To join, the young person must register with the Senai Young Apprentice program in their respective city.

Sign up and become a Senai Young Apprentice

To participate in the program and become a Senai Young Apprentice, the student must register at the unit close to their location and fill out their registration form. It is also necessary: personal, educational and professional documents, as well as choosing the course of your preference.
Senai units have different ways to register, so if you want to participate, it is essential to get in touch in advance.

The student must take a knowledge and aptitude test for the course chosen at Senai. Furthermore, you will be interviewed by the course coordinator, presenting your professional objective, as well as your personality.

Why should I become a Young Apprentice through Senai?

So that young people have the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of their chosen professional field, Senai offers the Senai professional internship. In addition to learning in depth, the student will improve and develop new skills that will be useful in the future.

Interns will have the opportunity to get to know as much as possible the institutions and companies that partner with Senai. After completing their studies, these same companies can hire them directly.
Furthermore, young people will have the opportunity to learn more about the job market and even obtain a professional diploma. A detail highly appreciated by companies.

Senai courses are entirely free, the intern will have no cost in participating in the program. And to improve, the student will be entitled to benefits such as: transportation vouchers, cash scholarships, dental and medical assistance from the company.

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