Digital Antenna Kit Donated by the Government – Find Out How to Purchase 


See how to get it Digital Antenna Donated by the Government, super easy and quick, also find out who can request it and how the benefit works and, in addition, understand everything about the quality of the government digital antenna.

Television has been present in Brazilian lives for many years, different models and versions have been launched over the years, as technology advances, television also advances but they all work, especially with an old TV antenna.


Nowadays digital technology has arrived but unfortunately many homes across Brazil are unable to acquire it, which is why the government developed the government's digital antenna kit.

Digital Technology – Digital Antenna Kit Donated by the Government

Everyone knows that the type of signal for televisions in Brazil is changing, but few people know how this new digital technology works. In the past, the image, the signal from free, open channels was made entirely with old satellite dish.

Currently, with the advent of digital technology and internet at 5g speed, the level of transmission has evolved a lot, greatly surpassing the quality of old satellite dish, with the digital signal we have much better audio and image quality on television.

However, to enjoy the benefits of the digital signal it is essential to have a digital antenna kit, avoiding having to improvised antenna for digital TV. Many Brazilian homes would like to have a digital antenna or a digital signal converter, however, they cannot purchase them as some of them are very expensive.

Who can access the government's digital antenna kit?

Initially, the benefit of the government's digital antenna kit, completely free, will be made available to those enrolled in the Brazilian federal government's cadúnico. This register governs and guarantees the rights and benefits of low-income families.

One of the requirements to obtain the government's digital antenna is to have an old satellite dish device and thus exchange the old device for a digital channel converter.

An important observation is that the free digital antenna kit only transmits free channels, that is, open TV in Brazil, that's all, the digital channel converter does not transmit closed TV channels.

Single Registry and televisions

But InovaBlog, what is the relationship between the cadúnico and the benefit of a digital antenna, since the cadúnico was designed to help low-income Brazilian families?

The federal government's idea is to help the low-income Brazilian population have access to technological advances, include low-income families and allow access to a quality audio and video signal.

Quality image and sound

With technological advancement and the entry of the digital signal in Brazil, there is an update to the open, analog signal that is made through old satellite dishes, analog technology has been gradually replaced by digital.

Brazil is a huge country, thousands of homes still have the analogue signal, this migration to the digital signal is being done gradually for a healthy update of old devices in Brazilian homes.

Soon, anyone who does not have a digital converter or a digital antenna kit will be without access to open TV.

Purchasing the free digital antenna kit

We know that only Brazilian capitals are releasing the free digital antenna kit at this time, there are some special conditions to guarantee the kit:

  • Have an active registration with the federal government's social registry;
  • Already have an old satellite dish connected to the television inside your home, so you can change receivers;
  • The combined family income must be below three minimum wages;

Please be aware that the delivery of digital converters may take time, as they will be delivered according to availability and also with the resources released by the federal government.

Free digital antenna kit

Imagine being able to watch games, soap operas, movies and much more with a high quality digital signal? Visit the federal government website and check if the benefit is already available in your region.

Good luck!



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